To receive free validation downloads please complete details as required below. Your copy of your selected document is only seconds away. Documents that are offered for free download have a faint watermark of the Validation Online email address. These documents are for your own use and are not editable but are able to be copied. We intend to extend this document list over the next few months.

EU Computer Annex 11 Latest.

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F111 Matrix for Part 11 Justifications.

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Free Validation Downloads (November-Newsletter)

We have encountered many companies that claimed that they operated a ‘no blame culture’, where employee regulatory compliance is questioned.  They in their infinite wisdom seemed to think this was perfectly acceptable.  The harsh facts are that the regulators expect everyone to be accountable for their respective actions and are quite prepared (after due legal process) to demand custodial sentences for serious infringements.  We have on several occasions had to edit client policy documents (in the light of regulatory comments) to reflect that certain regulatory infringements by staff, would no longer be considered as minor mistakes and would carry more severe penalties; such as employment termination and accountability assessment.  Below is an extract from an FDA document regarding CAPA compliance; it is informative to note how often they refer to the individual’s responsibility and accountability.        

Content of the Corrective Action Operating Plan (CAPA) - The corrective action operating plan should include:

  1. An analysis of the audit findings, including an analysis of-all identified instances of wrongful acts associated with applications submitted to FDA, identification all individuals who were or may have been associated with or involved in the wrongful acts, and identification of defective practices, procedures, products, and applications;
  2. The disposition of any recommendations made by the consultant;
  3. A description of the actions taken and to be taken to achieve correction of fraud and other wrongful acts or deficiencies identified by FDA and discovered by the internal review;
  4. A timetable for implementation of the corrective actions;
  5. Identification of the persons responsible for taking and assuring the satisfactory completion of each of the corrective actions according to timeframes;
  6. A comprehensive ethics program that describes standards for employees and procedures for educating employees about the program and for enforcing the program; and
  7. The procedures for monitoring the effectiveness of the operating plan and to assure that the applicant can be expected to manufacture products in compliance with current good manufacturing practices and application requirements.
  8. In addition, the corrective action operating plan should establish a mechanism for assuring that supervisory, technical, and scientific employees are made aware of the requirements of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act in their area of responsibility, as well as the requirements under 18 USC 1001.


News for Today

All documents are now available in any language. Simply, when you make a purchase; you will be issued with an order number. Email us this order number and the language required, and we will then translate the documents listed in your purchase order into the language you have chosen, and email them out to you. No extra charge.
To ensure your protocols are going to be cGMP compliant always ensure that the templates you use; are technically fully detailed, and use a comprehensive and interactive lead-through SOP.
Complex equipment will always require a full suite of protocols; however simple equipment can often be validated with a more basic combination iq/oq/pq template: Your Risk Assessment must define this requirement.
If assistance is required in selecting the appropriate documents then please make contact with us at email address: (all lower case) and we will contact you. for urgent requirements ring direct +44 1842 820906.
Complete validation Equip/HVAC/Com/soft/Util/Steam Packages VMP/VRA/URS/DQ/IQ/OQ/PQ from $199.00 The ever popular Combination IQ/OQ/PQ FOR $199.00 The only one on the net - Steam Qualification package $199.00 These templates cut Authoring costs - 50/75% Reviewing time - 50% and execution costs 20/40%. The only interactive and fully detailed suit of protocols available on line for Autoclave and Steam cGMP validation.VP/URS/IQ/OQ/PQ Complete with integral LEAD-ME-THRU' SOP. The only cGMP compliant Risk Assessment Template available on line.